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Nutrition 2020 – MEDICINE for life

Do 25.06.2020 9:00Sa 27.06.2020 18:00

[alert style=“info“]The congress has been postponed.the replacement date is not yet fixed.[/alert].

„MEDICINE for life“ is the motto of the Nutrition 2020 congress at the Bremen Exhibition Centre. The German Society for Nutritional Medicine (DGEM), the Austrian Working Group for Clinical Nutrition and the Society for Clinical Nutrition of Switzerland will gather for their 19th tri-national conference. At the same time the BerufVerband Ökotrophologie e.V. (VDOe) and the Federal Association of German Nutritionists (BDEM) will hold their annual conferences here. The congress programme can be found here.


Do 25.06.2020 9:00
Sa 27.06.2020 18:00


Congress Centrum Bremen
Findorffstraße 101
Bremen, 28215 Deutschland
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