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vocatium Bremen 2020

Di. 23.06.2020 8:30Mi. 24.06.2020 14:45

[alert style=“info“]The vocatium Bremen has been postponed to October. [/alert]

Get to know training professions and study courses: To this end, we conduct personal discussions with experts. The fifth vocatium Bremen offers this and much more. The trade fair for training and studies aims to show young people from Bremen and around the variety of career opportunities. Around 135 companies, (vocational) colleges, academies and universities have registered for the regional vocational orientation fair. 6,000 pupils from 85 schools are expected to attend. Admission to the fair is free.


Di. 23.06.2020 8:30
Mi. 24.06.2020 14:45
Veranstaltung Category:


Halle 6
Findorffstraße 101
Bremen, 28215 Deutschland
+ Google Map